1 Nerissa and the rest, stand all aloof.
2 The law allows it and the court awards it.
3 Let me have judgment, and the Jew his will.
4 And I must to Lorenzo and the rest, But we will visit you at supper-time.
5 A pound of that same merchant's flesh is thine, The court awards it and the law doth give it.
6 Indeed the short and the long is, I serve the Jew, and have a desire, as my father shall specify.
7 If he have the condition of a saint and the complexion of a devil, I had rather he should shrive me than wive me.
8 The Hyrcanian deserts and the vasty wilds Of wide Arabia are as throughfares now For princes to come view fair Portia.
9 I would my daughter were dead at my foot, and the jewels in her ear; would she were hearsed at my foot, and the ducats in her coffin.
10 Twenty merchants, The Duke himself, and the magnificoes Of greatest port have all persuaded with him, But none can drive him from the envious plea Of forfeiture, of justice, and his bond.